I can’t wait to share this with you! My backsplash tile had been sitting in my kitchen for eight months. After Christmas, I started rearranging things and decided enough was enough—it was time to finally install it. Now that it’s done, I’m absolutely thrilled with how it looks. I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner!
I chose a beautiful mosaic tile with a mesh backing, and while I knew it would be a bit of a process, I didn’t anticipate just how much work it would be. But let me tell you—it was so worth it!
The Prep Work
The biggest challenge right out of the gate? Clearing off the counters and moving the oven away from the wall. It was a hassle, but necessary to get the job done right. Once the space was cleared, it was time for the hardest part—measuring and cutting the tile
I’ll be honest, I hate measuring and cutting. I always feel like I’m going to mess up and ruin something. Luckily, my partner is a pro at this kind of thing, so we managed to get all the tile cut to the perfect dimensions without any issues.
Installing the Backsplash
With the pieces ready, we applied the mortar and started putting up the sheets of tile. It felt like playing Tetris—except way messier and more time-consuming! We worked our way across the wall, carefully pressing each sheet into place. By the time we reached the section behind the oven, we were exhausted and had to call it a day. This project was way more work than I anticipated, but seeing it start to come together was so exciting!
Next Steps
As you can see from the picture, part of the backsplash is up, and I’m already loving the transformation. Now, we need to mix up and apply the grout (I went with white for a clean, bright finish). After that, we’ll seal the grout and caulk around the edges to complete the look
Final Thoughts
I couldn’t have done this without help—this was a lot of work! Thankfully, my partner is amazing at home improvement projects, and we finally got it done. If you’ve been putting off a home project, take this as your sign to just go for it! You’ll be so happy once it’s done.
What do you think of the progress so far? Have you tackled a DIY project recently? Let me know in the comments!